Are you ready to discover the truth?

Through a lifetime of research, Dr. Leonard Hoffman has been able to establish some dates with a high degree of certainty as they line up with historically known facts. However, some dates still remain approximate. In order to establish the time line, numerous sources were examined and compiled, and the most likely dates were chosen. Some readers may find different orders of events and times to better suit their own understanding.

Historical Accuracy

Discover a historically accurate timeline of the events of the entire New Testament and see it in a new light

New Insights

Find new insights and truths long obscured throughout the letters of Paul, as you travel on his journeys among the early churches

Strengthen Your Faith

Let the New Testament come to life in you as your faith is strengthened and your eyes opened to the true stories of conflict, grace, struggle and overcoming.

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About the Lead Editor: Dr. Leonard Hoffman

With more than forty years of ministry, Dr. Leonard Hoffman is the Editor in Chief of the Time Line New Testament Bible. He has spent four decades as an evangelist, missionary, pioneer, senior pastor, and international teacher, conducting pastoral training seminars in Central and South America and the Philippine Islands.
Decades of walking with Jesus and serving others have forged an innate drive within Leonard to help move people into fellowship with God. Hoffman received both a Doctor of Ministry and a Ph.D. in theology from Vision Christian International University.
Dr. Hoffman is a previously published author and currently resides on his ranch in North Texas with his supportive wife, Shay. They both are pilots and enjoy scuba diving, fly fishing, horse riding, and showing their Peruvian Paso horses.

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What Others Are Saying

Here's what others have to say about The Time Line New Testament.

Jonathan Nori

Nori Media Group

I highly endorse the Time Line New Testament Bible for its innovative approach to Bible study and the new insights it brings to the journeys in the New Testament. The timeline allows readers to easily understand the historical context of each event in their proper order, making the stories and teachings of the New Testament come alive in a new way. The added notes and maps also enhance the reading experience, providing additional information and insight. Overall, the Time Line New Testament Bible is a valuable resource for both personal study and group discussion.

Shay Hoffman

Chaplain & Author

Readers can expect to be captivated by the adventure and immersed in the personal expression of the world-changing reality recorded from First Century history. The Time Line New Testament provides clear understanding of the biblical truths that traditionally have been separated into individual and unconnected chapters of one intended continuous story.

Gene Edwards

House Church Planter & Bestselling author of over 25 books

I want to send The Time Line New Testament to the entire world! Leonard has done one of the most important things that have been done for a long time! Now we have a New Testament that makes more sense and is very clear. I highly recommend this book to all believers!

Cathy Sanders

Author of Believe, Founder of Fishin' Girl,

In The Time Line New Testament, readers will gain a better perspective about the culture and time period surrounding scripture that they never knew before. Readers will have a more immersive experience that they wouldn't have without doing in-depth research on their own. It gives valuable information in an easy-to-read format.

Jedidiah Grooters

The Time Line New Testament has two especially strong target readers: those who have wanted to but never quite been able read the Bible for themselves consistently for whatever reason; and those who have devoted many hours to the New Testament but struggle to put its pieces together and find themselves discouraged. This book makes the New Testament fun to read! Because the setting is expounded upon and the narrative structures are emphasized, it's simply easier to get drawn in, especially in the gospels.

Hudson Tansey

This unique approach to the Gospels very quickly became something I didn’t realize I wanted until I had it. Reading a combined Gospel account in a correct timeline order is a fantastic addition to anyone’s theological library and makes sense. I just wish I had it sooner! The narrative of Jesus’ life is more cohesive since it is linear rather than strewn out over several books.


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